Allementria Academy
Set in a whole different world where magic and spells collide,dragons roam, flying carriages, magical portal to the 'human' world stood, an academy set to produce legendary wizards was built. With rowdy twin principals in charge, an eighty year grandma who looked like a beauty queen professor, a crazy defense against dark art teacher and a lively tea-party loving ghost as their staff, can this school be any more chaotic? Yes, it can!
After an unknown attack onto the school and the town surrounding it, causing everyone to leave the place and a mysterious death of the past principal, the school is finally opening its arms once again. Raise the curtains and let the party begin! Forget Harry Potter! This place offers elemental powers like air, water, fire and earth. Don't miss out on this once in a lifetime chance to join us!
Where comedy is highly appreciated and creativity is welcomed, Allementria Academy!
Rules - School history - World history
Item: 2pc sterling Silver Couple rings
Condition: New
* Made of sterling silver
* Simple and nice.
* Shipping with good packing.
* SIZE: M 18mm F 13mm
Cara pasang bid anda..hanya dengan tinggalkan komen plus nomor Hp anda..
dengan format:
Nama # NILAI BID anda # Kode produk # Nomor HP
Lelang ditutup tanggal 20 Desember 2009..
Peraturan bid:
SETIAP 10 HARI.. BILA TIDAK ADA YANG BID.. maka otomatis harga lelang akan naik sebesar 25ribu rupiah.. Jika ada yang pasang bid..maka harga per minggu tidak akan naik..
Jika ada seseorang yang bid.. maka orang berikutnya harus bid kelipatan 5ribu dari bid sebelumnya..dst..
Barang yang akan dilelang..
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